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Receive live, qualified calls directly from consumers who are actively seeking legal plans. Our Live Call Transfer service connects you with leads who are ready to speak with a LegalShield associate, providing an immediate opportunity to close the sale.
We generate leads through targeted digital advertising and marketing campaigns, specifically focused on individuals actively interested in enrolling in legal plans.
Once a prospect is verified and qualified, the call is transferred directly to your phone in real time.
You’ll receive key details about the prospect (name, contact info, legal plan interest) before the call begins.
Engage with the lead on the spot. With the prospect already interested and ready to take action, you’re in the ideal position to convert the lead into a LegalShield member.
Create an account, set up your availability and order call leads.
Once you’re set up, we’ll start transferring leads directly to your phone.
Engage with prospects and close deals in real-time!
Stop chasing cold leads and start connecting with real prospects who are ready to enroll in LegalShield plans.
Click below to sign up for our Live Call Transfer Service and start converting in real time.
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