Trusted by Thousands of Associates. Your Premier Source for Legal Plan Leads.

Your next phone call may be from a client!

The easy and fast way to promote your business.

Now expand your clientele base and help spread out the reach of your business.

Don't waste your time chasing clients.

Let prospects call you now.

What are phone leads?

Phone leads are potential customers directly calling you, asking about your services.

Phone leads are a great way to grow your business. Unlike text-based contact via emails, phone calls give your business a human voice that can connect better with prospects.

Customers searching for your services see our ads with a call button to quickly connect with a representative.

Contact Rates

When it come to contact rates between phone leads and web leads, there’s just no competition.

A person may be in need of legal help at any given moment.

With the help of phone leads, associates can make sure that they are the first to swoop in and reach those clients with valuable advice, and help convert those leads into business for your company.

The Benefit of Immediacy

When a person is in urgent need of legal help, they may not have the time to wait for your call or email or visit your office physically.

They may need quick and reliable legal help.

In such situations, if you as an associate are able to provide them with some advice over the phone, then it will help you build a relationship of trust with your client.

Higher Order Values

Phone call leads are directed towards potential customers who are actively seeking out your services.

Interacting with such customers directly will not only help you in building trust but also enable you to showcase your expertise in your field.

By talking to potential customers directly, you are able to plan a follow-up meeting successfully, and the client is more likely to show up for it.

Contact us!


  • Maxine Campbell

    So far I am very happy with everything as I see it thank you it is nice to have support right here, it is pretty awesome. -Independent Associate

  • Richard M

    Very Welcome indeed. I love the interaction and lead generation the best results i have had in all the years having the business. Its true blessings. -Independent Associate